Saturday, March 06, 2010



Helloooooos ! Back to updates ~ Thursday, went to meet Baby at Hougang ! Then, took bus to AMK ~ Meet up with Qianyuan & Izwan, went Mcdonald to study . Nothing much, studied till 9 plus ? Ate dinner there, and headed home ~ Baby send me home, we took MRT ! Mommy is kinda funny, asked me where Baby stay ~ I was like, Hougang lor ? Then she smile smile . Anyway, friday went to school ! Meet up with Yvonne, Ervin & Baby for KFC breakfast ~ Baby was late, but he managed to rush down . After that, headed to WAD lesson ! Know my test result, 14/25 ~ Okay la, pass jiu haoooo ! After lesson, waited for Baby to end his test ~ Headed to Tamp inter after that . He's hestitating whether to go work or not ! & final decision he didnt went to work ~


So, the 4 of us went to Marinaaa ! Went Fourskin, & walking around ~ While waiting for XGBFF & Jacky to come, went over to foodcourt and eat ! Blablabla, after that went Bugis & meet the 2 of them ~ Went to buy tickets for "Being Human" ! Walk around while waiting for the movie to start ~ Nothing much, watched this movie till 9 plus ? After all it's a imagination ~ Yvonne & Ervin left 1st, leaving the 4 of us ! Went to Tamp445, for late dinner ~ And walk home after that, everyone's so super tired already !


Today gonna go cut hair ! Together with both Brothers, XGBFF & Baby ~ Tonight gonna attend a dinner with family . No comment, just a dinner to celebrate granny's birthday ! Monday gonna be my exams already, omgomgomg ~ Tmr have to go study, I must ! Next week, great or not ?


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