Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hellos ! Sorry for not posting the last few days ~ Cause my computer was down ! Currently using daddy's laptop ! And shall post a short one, cause I haven bath yet, zZz ! Work work work, simply super tired please ! Tuesday OT till 11pm then go home, super tired please ~~ And next day, means wednesday uhs, super tired please ! Dozing off while typing ~ But quite fun, cause I learn new things :DD Is to check all the cheques with $200,000.00 value !

And today, I reach there early :D ! Many people didnt come today, zZzz ~~ Jean went overseas, monday then back ! Sharon & Lucy both took 1week leave, back next week ! So tmr again Im gonna work like shit :x Hahah, but Sherily & Eve came back alrdy ! Hohohohs ~ And today is my pay day ! Hahahaha, I get around $570 ? Cause it's only from 17nov till 10nov ! Dec's pay will be in on January uhs ? It will be twice pleaseeeeeee ! Hahaha ~

Anyway, gonna buy my phone on Saturday ! Mommy gonna help me sign a new line, which ahd be around $15 per month ? And the phone only cost me $ 218 :DDD ! But I gotta pay $15 every month :( It's okay, for the sake of my phone ! Hahahaha ~~ Gift buying this saturday too ! Hohoho ~ Sunday sentosa trip :DDD ! Hope it does not rain uhs ? Lalalala, off to bath ! Tmr is friday, hahahaha ~ I love friday :D !

So, it's not true uhs ?