Friday, June 13, 2008

It's now 2.46am, almost 3am ppl ! & here ii am postiing -.-
nth better to do uhs, yea ! Laughhs* diidnt stay Aiai house.
Mom say, only can stay for one day :*(( Sorry Aiai !

Im iin love wiith Bloggiing now, ii swear pls ~~ Laughhs*
Cnt get to slp, so get up and post my blog, stupid yea?
Later gonna meet SF, then Lunch ! Then aiirportt ~~

Meetiing Baby tmr, ohhhmyyohhmyys, YEAHS*
Super happy pls ! 2 days, nvr meet Baby ehs ~~
&& gonna peii Baby eat dinner :DD mus take photo !
Dont care ~ Laughhs* then go Newton, siiannns :x

Yawns* iim abit tiired now, goiing off, byeeee !
Btw, those photos above, iis meeeee :DDDD
& dat guy besiide me iis, my korkor ! Laughhs*
Niighhts :DD ii miiss Baby super much !

{ updated on 12.09pm }
iim awake ! Laughhs* wake up jiu blog -.-
ohhmyys, ii love bloggiing super super much pls !
Gonna do a short post, cause iim goiing out !
I think Mom dont noe iim at home, diidnt giif me $$ ~

&& later, Baby gonna pay for my dinner :DD
Thks Baby ! He say take it as, celebration of work ~
Laughhhs** Baby iis super cute, ii swear !

Dream of smth funny -.- Laughhs* super weiird !
Me, mama & Co. went to sch de event, dont noe wat ~
then we was late, but outside got show see -.-

Laughhs! then ii go iin ask MrWee, whether we still can go in.
"No, you are late! You all can go home now ~"
Huhs? I was lik, WTF !? Laughhs** then fiine !
leave th sch, then saw Cindy -.- th others was gone !
Super funny yea? also dont noe why will dream dao those :x

Actually toniight gonna peii Damiien for bbq dehhs ~
Sorry ahh ! Haf too many things goiing on, duibuqi :*((
Other days ok? Laughhs** BREAK LA :x

Alriight, now gonna go prepare liiaos, Laughhs*
If nt SF will kill me, iif iim late agaiin :x
Byeeeeee ! Today iis friday, enjoys readers :DD