Saturday, July 12, 2008

ahhhh ! ii want that bagg laaa ~ Hurhur, guess it's selling at USA only !

Hah, maybe asking cousin help me buy ! Hoho, iim feeling much better

Supposely, ii should slp earlier de ~ But ii didnt :x Hah, slp around 4am !

Lala, morning woke up around 10am, couldnt get to slp after tat, Laughs*

Use computer till around 11, Baby came in and look for me, Hah ! Great :D

1pm plus Mom came back, then Baby went down help us buy food, Laughs*

Thanks Baby ! Hah, ate wanton meee ~ But eat abit only, then nvr eat alrdy ~

Couldnt finish :x Laughs* Then awhile more Baby went to prepare, he going out .

With his Mother&Godmama, couldnt join Baby cause iim sick, sorry uhs !

Lying at Mom's bed, laughs* Fall aslp, her bed is super nice to sleep pls !

Slp till 6pm :x Hah, super shiok ! But feeling much better after slp ~

Dinner, then bath ! Hah, kinda sneezing for free, keep sneeze lahhs ! Laughs*

Then msg Baby, he bought new phoneeeee ! Hah, his Mother bought for him.

Then use com, while waiting for Baby to be back ! I miss Baby a lot pls ~

And now iim hungry alrdy :x Hah ! Gonna eat leftover from jus nw de dinner ~

Btw, tagboard is back ! Hah, pls tag ppl ~ Comment also can, Hah ;DD

Tmr might be going for cousin bbq? Depends uhs ! Hah, see bro sick lohs ~

Laughs* okok, goiing off now ! Baby iis gonna faint, he very hungry :x

Byeeeeeeeee ! Update tmr k, loveeeee baby ! Aiai,Mama,Xingan,Baobei,JFYF,Airen <3>