Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am holding on (:


Okay, Im back to update bout last night outing :D

Meet up with Junlong at Tamp inter, and we had our lunch ~

Pepper lunch, hahahaha ! After that, we went to Marina Sqaure.

Finally I got it, help Yvonne get one too (:

Then, meet Yvonne & Ervin at Bugis ~

Both of us walk from Marina to Bugis,

& me keep on grumbling bout the weather is hot !

I think Im very irritating xD

Meet up with them, and everybody gets something ~

I got my watch, I love it mannn !

Junlong got his specs & studs o.O

Yvonne got her bag & Ervin bought his shoe toooo ~

Well, headed to Orchard too ! Walk from Bugis to Plaza Sing,

then to Orchard ~ Meet Jacky too, and was walking around and around !

Ohya, dinner was at Fish & Co. My 1st time going there man,

somebody says welcome to singapore to me in FB !

Anyway, eat till quite full & continue walking after that ~

Took photos, some were with Yvonne !

MRT back to Tamp with Junlong & Jacky after that ~

Slacking around Tampines Mcdonald, chatting around !

Junlong took last bus home, I take 291

& Jacky walk home I think o.O ~

Morning meet up with this 2 guys for breakfast in school !

Jacky came in school,

actually he've already quit-ed his studies ~

Laugh, everyone was kinda shock to see him in class actually !

But well, quite fun (:

Lesson was kinda packed these few days,

had been doing Phase test revision & trail for all modules !

Somebody help me de-stess please ~

Laugh, but after exams it will be a great great celebration :D

But 1st of all, CNY is coming (:

Alright, done with today's update ~

I'll be getting the CNY's food

& snacks with Mommy they all later on !

Tmr, gonna go Ikea & cut hairrr ~

OMG, Im so excited bout cutting hair actually :x Laugh !