Saturday, May 16, 2009

Silly ?


Hellos ! Im back with that funny picture of mine >.< That's what I do when Im bored ~~ Hahahs, ytd I really stoned at home for whole day lahs ! Sit infront of the computer, for WHOLE day ~~ I mean it :x Hahas, only went to bath around 4 plus ? Then continue using computer, till 8 plus then Dinner ~ Daddy cook ! Lalalalas ~ After dinner, still siting infront of Computer >.< ! But at least, playing Uno with Jim ~~ This time round the Computer seems to keep winning !

Okay, having the urge to eat Ice-cream last night, but in the end bought M&M chocolate :DD Hahas, went down with Didi ! Super funny, cause Daddy say only can either me or him go down ~ Cause Mommy will be alone if both of us go down together . So I say, he go down jiu hao ! He went mad shouting and I keep laughing >.< Hahaha, super funny ~ In the end we 2 went down together, but back asap Mommy say ~ Watch show, and went to sleep around 12am ?

Today woke up around 11am ? Hahas, consider quite late to me lahs >.< Had breakfast and here I am posting again ! Hahaha, reply to tags I think now :x But is randomly ! I shall ignore the passerby all those nonsense ? Haha, thanks people who help to scold back :DDD But no worries, Im not affected by them ! Links are all relinked :D Replying to Peter, kepos lahs you ? Who ask you to read my post, dont read if you thinks that it's lame ! To XGBFF, do find a time to update me about everything about you Girl :DD I'll be here for you ~ Okay, tags consider replied :x

Okays, Im going out with FTBG, PTBF & Didi ! Where are we going lehs ? Dont knw ~ But going to T1 for the note book that I've ordered ! The cover page is my horoscope, that's all >.< But I just lik this kinda thingy lahs ? Hahahs, okay ! Off to watch show with Kor & Di, while waiting for FTBG & PTBF to be done with their Arcade thingy ! Byeeeeeeeeee ~