Friday, September 26, 2008

HanBaoBao !

Okayokay ! Sorry for not postiing for 4 days, including today ~
3day2night for chalet ! Great & had fun with cousin, but sun burn :(
Nthg much to mention actually ! Cause nth much happen maa :x
Ohh btw, iim back with Baby (: Patchh back le laaa, to those kepos !
Laughs* and today iis our 7th month anniversary ! Nvr go out, hah ~

Baby is currently sleeping so soundly at my room, laughs* Piggg :x
He must be very tiiredd ba ? Didnt sleep well for 2 night at chalet !
Let him sleep ahwhile more then wake him up, later going study at RC ~
But it's raining so so heavily now ! Maybe think twice before going baa ?

Blablabla ! Had been shopping online for th past few hours, hahahaha :x
Think ii spend almost $80 on all those clothings ! Excluding shipping fees ~
Laugh* Is taiwan spree, and it's kinda cheap ? Buy more, money all gone !
Hahahaha, trying to cut down now :x Siiansiiannsiiann pleaseeeeeeeeeeee .

Alright, gotta go off to bath lerrr ! Later dinnering with Parents, no more study ~
Cause gotta dinner with them ~ Laughs* Off to prepareeeee, byeeeeeeee !

Happy 7th Month Anniversary To Baby !

Glen :
Hahaha, 2 more weeks :( Im leavingg th sch le !
Junkiat :
Yeayea ! You gotta work hard too kayys ~ So you can go ur AMaths class (:
Xingan :
Althought you left the school, we will still contact de kayys ! Laughs* ILY !
Suyi :
Linkedd !
Elano :
She seen me before ? Laughs*
jiahanz :
ChuaShangFen, hahaha ! kepos :x
Wilson :
Yo er zi ! LAUGHS*