Friday, July 25, 2008

Sometime ii realiise, why do misunderstandiing keep happen, so easily..
Until recently, then ii realiise . Dat's because of a word, trust, isnt it ?
Maybe iim jus thinking too much? Im sorry sisters, ii didnt share my probs .
Cause ii dont even noe wat's wrong ~ Frankly, ii really dont noe anything .

Sorry to made you guys worry, really sorry ~ But now, ii had shared alrdy .
I dont need you guys to help me settle these trouble iim hafing now, really ~
Jus need a listening ear for myself, dats all . Sorry for all the trouble ii gave .
If my attitude had affect your mood, iim sorry again . Im jus too lost for anything .

Xingan, iim glad dat you are with me ! You simply cheers me up, ii swear please ~
Thanks for makiing my day feel so trouble-less ~ You, make me crazy & mad !

Mama, iim sorry to let you feel so vexed . It's okay, iim much better after saying .
I didnt blame you for not helping me or wat, jus wanna thank you for being here !
Im sorry to let you worry, if ii had . Dont worry, ii will try to solve th prob, soon ..

Aiai, should ii say sorry ? Maybe . I really dont noe wat's wrong, wat's goiing on .
I dont wanna continue this anymore, it's kinda useless to carry on things lik this .
Dont you think so ? Im not gonna say anything abt that issue anymore, alright .
Jus let nature take it course, leave it to fate bahs ? Few more months, it's over .
Together or not, we shall see then ? Mayb we wouldnt be dat close anymore ?
I dont noe, and ii dont wish to ~ But it would be hard to be back to those times ..

Baby, firstly iim sorry ~ Shouldnt haf let you worry abt me, and feel troubled .
Im really sorry ! I should haf share my probs with you earlier, thank you Baby !
Thanks for being so patiient with me, and trustiing me ! I cant lost you anymore .
I couldnt iimagiine wat would become of me iif you were to diissappear in my life ~
I really need you beside me, you cheers me up ! Althought it's jus awhile, iit enough ~
Im satisfied alrdy ~ I dont need sweet talks or romantic stuff, but ii jus wan you !
Thanks for beiing thr for me, always ! I loveeee you Baby, 4 more day to anii (: