Thursday, March 25, 2010


I somehow misses my long hair ! But, jiu hai hao lohs, hahahahas :D Anyway, I had 6 popiahs @ Granny's house yesterday ! Scary rights (*_*) Headed back home after that, waited for Baby to be home & lights off ! 10am Im awake today, MRT to Somerset, meet up with Baby, Yvonne & Ervin . Went Food Republic for Dianxin ~ Ate 2 bowl of porriage, terrible (≧ω≦) ! Hmmm, after that send Ervin to work ! 3 of us walking around Suntec ~ Chill at Starbucks Coffee ~ Chatting bout meeting parents with BF/GF ! After suggesting to Baby for so long, he finally let me send him to TPY ~ So both of us MRT to ToaPayoh, and after that I took bus 28 home . Dinner myself & I actually wanted to sleep ~ But, cnt get to sleep ! So woke up and end up using computer, hanging on to FB (≧ω≦) Currently waiting for Baby to end work, & tmr going Interview ~ It's my turn, going interview for Watson ! Hope I can get it :D Btw, Im hestitating bout which phone should I get while I upgrade ? Samsung Omnia Pro E7330 or Samsung Preston ? Price is the same ~ But function wise, obviously Omnia is better ! Which one (╯3╰) ?

( The Reason Why I Teared, on Bus )