Thursday, March 18, 2010


Tuesday went out with Baby ! Both of us went to Ehub, had our lunch at PastaMania ~ Laugh, the china talk kinda funny I must say ! She serve us, & this Baby keep laughing at her :X So ate pasta, then went Pasir Ris park ! Was chatting bout lots of thing, especially my past ? All the way till night time, had a great day out with him ! This is how we spend our One Month Anniversary ~ Short & Sweet ♥ But however, I got 40s over mosquitoes bite on my leg ! Terrible man, immediately both of us went to buy the cream to apply on ~ Baby was kinda scared, cos my leg is terribly disgusting ! But still, he keep asking whether im okay or not, how sweet of him (: Headed back home, & asked Mommy to buy dinner for me ! Didnt wait for Baby to be home, cos Im seriously too tired ~ Yesterday went Tamp to meet Baby, Yvonne & Ervin ! Baby & Yvonne went school for interview thingy ~ And after that, we went Mcdonald for breakfast ! Nothing much, was chatting around . After that went Hougang with Baby, headed to his house ~ I was using his computer & he help me to apply the cream on my leg ! Till 4 plus, headed back to Tamp while Baby go work ~ Back home changed clothes, meet up with Mommy & Daddy ! Went Granny's house for dinner, after that went Loyang Temple ! Prayed, & seriously lots of people over there ~ Daddy didnt even manage to find a parking lots over there ! So, after we prayed headed back home ~ Today, didnt went out ! Baby's working, and nobody's at home... So, gotta settle dinner on my own ! Well, korkor helped me buy things to cook already :D Hope my leg will get better ! If not, tmr I gotta go see doctor, I promised Baby...