Tuesday, March 23, 2010



I spend more than 12 hours with Baby today, great great great ♥ This silly guy, came my house around 11pm ? Waited for me to get prepared ~ So both of us went Shop&Save, spend $8 there & then headed back home ! Was preparing lunch, & Baby is so keen to help out, but I told him off :X But actually he did help out ! So prepared 2 dishes + 1 canned soup ~ Okays, so we finished everything ! Baby help out with washing the dishes ~ Nothing much after that ~ Was playing Plants vs Zombies, *thumpsup* ! All the way till evening time, went dinner with Daddy & Mommy ~ Plus 2 of Daddy's friend ! Baby gives me that look, which I find it funny :X Anyway, both of us went to find Yazi ! Chat awhile, & walk back home with Baby ~ Back home, started taking photos ! Photo marathon I guess, (^_^) ! Look at this Silly guy ! Lots more taken, but this is more interesting :D So he went off around 11pm, I send him down to bus stop, & that's all ! Had a great day, cos I spend more than 12 hours with Baby today (●*∩_∩*●) Maybe Im too greedy ! Tmr I wont get to meet him, I think it's terrible ~ But well, gotta go Granny's house ! Popiah, here I come, hahahaha (: