Thursday, September 03, 2009

Last day of termmmmm :)


Hello my dear readers ! Im back posting againnnn . Didnt post recently due to class test ~
Recently had been bugging with my studies ~ Hope I'll score well ? Both test are so near !
Well, got back my NWT paper back today ! Woo-hooo, I got 70% out of 100 mann :DD
Laughs* And for my NWT phase test I got GOOD ! It's the best grade already, hahah ~
But for RCT, my class test I think I got 50 plus ? Well, and phase test I think everyone pass ?
Okayokay ! Today was the last day of term mannn ~ Everyone was super hyper, cause it's last day !
Somebody had already self-declare their holidays man ~ Well, still gotta work hard for final examm !
Ohmygod, it's like less than 1 week ? Coming monday having RCT & wed's gonna be NWT next ~
Well, with MrSuen's revision, NWT should be no problem for me :D But RCT I think sure die xD

Okayokay, today LLA was cancelled ! And we got 3hours break mann ~ Totally no idea whr to go !
In the end, decided to go Tampines ~ KFC for lunch, & Sunplaza park next ! Laughs*
Was playing around like kid, and laughing away ! Sweating like hell, cause the sun is damn hot !
Headed back to School, with a "Iced-Pop" in our hand ~ Laughs* Kinda funny, but miss that feeling !
Remembering when we were in primary school, that thingy is a must whenever we pass by a "mama shop" !
Anyway, today took class photo ! I suggested xD Both module teacher ! But not with our CA, MrSoh ~
And, after lesson headed to Grandma house ! Nthg much I guess ? Tonight not gonna chiong studies ~
Tmr I'll continue with my notes for RCT & NWT ! Wish me good luck peopleee :D Laughs*
Alrights, done blogging mann ! Goodbye my dear readers :DD Still, I enjoy school life best !

Cause I'll nvr stop laughing :D