Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Outing !

Hellos, Im back posting again ! Hahas, today was kinda great great great ^^ Hmmm, morning wake up around 11.40pm ? Quite late uhs >.< ! Well, watch computer for awhile and went to prepare then ~ Waited for Jimson to come to my house, i preparing :x Then headed off to Giant together with Didi ! Hahas, they get along quite well uhs ? Hahas, keep playing around and laughing like mad ~ Lucky they can get along well ^^

Took shuttle bus to Giant ! Started to go searching for those things needed for the bbq ! Hahas, Didi was sitting in the trolley, and Jimson push him around ~ Hahas, both of them look lik small kids playing around at the playground >.< ! Okay, spend around $27 ther and next we went to Bedok ShengSong ! Well, took shuttle bus there too ~ Hahas, trolley again ! Hahas, this 2 guys were playing and playing ~ And Im thinking about what else to buy :x Bought the frozen food and took bus 28 back home ^^ Hahas, back home to put things ! This time round, spend around $38 overall ~

Headed to Pasir Ris then ~ Check the price for Satay ! Well, kinda budget for those thingy ~ Rested awhile and watch tv for awhile too . Hahas, took bus to Pasir Ris then ! Went to look for the satay thingy, and decided to buy it on thursday ~ Went for dinner too, damn nice ! Cause im hungry I think ? Hahas, okok ~ Headed to E-hub NTUC and look around . Well, thursday gotta go back and buy Sotong again ^^ SOTONG, hahaha ! My favourite !

Well, headed back home around 8 plus ? Hahas, was watching tv all the way till 11 plus then get to use computer ~ Now posting blog ! Okay, tmr gotta go cycle with Aunt ^^ Maybe meeting Jimson there too ? Hahas ! So I'll be exercising tmr ~ Hohohohs, and i hope friday's bbq will be fun ? Sorry class, I book wrongly :( Just sorry i only can say . Done liaos, im off to sleep le ! Enjoyed today, and im damn tired ~ Nights ^^