Friday, December 18, 2009

* 圣诞礼物, 你买了吗 ? *

8am reached home, knock out immediately ! Im not getting enough sleep at all man :x Sleep till 3pm ? And went to prepare, meet Limhwee @ Tamp ~ Our motive today, is to buy our Christmas exchange gift for cousins ! But the 2 of us wasnt doing that at all ~ Looking at our own stuff, and walking around w/out destination ! Saw this cute chipmunks when we were walking towards the Cinema ! They are super cute man ~ But so sad, didnt manage to take with the red clothings one ! Continue searching for the present, and we finally get it done ~ Once we are done, headed back home ! Laugh, took bus 28 back home together :DD Alright, Im finally done with this super long update of mine ! Tmr, there's another bbq organise by Class ~ But think it's gonna be a diff one ? Something lik, aint the same as the previous one ! We shall see then ? Off to eat supper & sleep, Im still very very tired pleaseeee ~