Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hellos ! Im back to post a short short one, cause Im sick :(
Had been having headache since early in the morning !
Super sick, and I feel like sleeping ~ Is it because not enough sleep ?
Im having pain in everywher, gastric & bad headache ~

Lunch was baked rice today, cool man ! Take-away from foodcourt .
Kinda cool pleaseee ! And watermelon juice, super super nice lunch ~
Blablabla, super super xinku during work, cause Im having headache !

7plus ended work, and went to Pasa malam ! Cheese hotdog & Chickenwing ~
Both me & simin seems so pathetic pleaseee ~ Sitting at MRT outside :x
Headed back home then, super tired I swear ! Tmr see doctor, maybe ?
Then tmr shall be a off day for me ! Depends on my headache tmr ba ~
Thks auggy & yiqin for keeping me awake during work, by msging me !
Byeeeeeeeeee, haven dinner yet ! Gastric acts up again, vey pain :(

XGBFF: Alright ! Thanks XGBFF, love ~~
peijuan: Relinked :DD !
SF: I miss you too slut !
Limhwee.Lex: I suppose ? Plan outing leys ~~
Audrey: I wan spend also dont have :( Sad right !
Suyi, ♥: Welcome :D ! Hahh ~