Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Job hunting :(

Ohhmyy, nobody wanna hire me, saddedd :(
A bigbig store name "Popular" rejected me for 4 times !
Damn it ! Popular liiao bu qii ah :X Laughs*
Ytd night went to RC, hahaha. Disturb Duck is so fun !
QuakQuak, laughs* his face expression look so, damn it :x
Blablabla, then went to ride around, nth better to do .
Then joke with Auggy, damn damn funny ! He's lame -.-
Home around 10 plus, char fetch me home, with her pink bike .
Pretty cool yea ? I want a lady bike too, hahaahahaha !
I wanna spray white if ii haf one, hohohs :x Too bad laa :(
I dont haf a Lday Bike -.- Jus haf to wait baa ? Laughs*
Today going out with Xingan, for job hunting once again !
Hahahaha, and Vanyeo ytd called me, got job lobang, haha !
Guess wat, popular fair -.- 1odays, 1 day $10 ii think ? Laughs*
She say will confirm again baa ? Laughs* ohhmyy ahh !
2 more days to Sci Pratical :( & Xingan birthdayyyyyyyy :DD !