Monday, January 25, 2010

* 那就这样吧 ! *

*dingdong* ! Miss Foo is posting blog again ~ Okay, yesterday stayed at home for the whole day... Didnt know what should I do, zZz ! Anyway, had dinner at home ~ Nthg much for yesterday ! Today, meet Junlong at Tampines inter but we were late ~ Headed for S&W, but teacher didnt want to mark our attendance -.- So headed off elsewhr, and chat around till lesson end ! Meet the others, went to Cafe 1 and slack ~ Till next lesson, went class ~ Was busy doing "something", laugh ! Blablabla, didnt went for PM lesson again ~ So, headed to Tamp with Junlong Faiz & Jopie ! Went Pizza hut AGAIN for lunch, with Jacky too ~ After that, walking around Tamp.. Headed to Pasir Ris, while Jacky pierce his lips ! Well, not so bad ~ After that headed to Town area ! Acc-ing this 3 guys shopping for their CNY clothings ~ Guess all 3 spent more than $100 each ! Dinner at Suntec I think, and headed home around 11 plus ~ Quite a tiring day for me, and for them too I guess ? Okay, tmr gonna skip lesson again xD Gonna go out, celebrate Yvonne's 21st Birthday ^^v ! Hope it's a good one ~ B.byeeeeees !