Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Im back posting ! Ytd went out with XGBFF ~ Well, we totally place our cleverness at hopme ! Laughs, two idiots went out ~ Anyway, headed to White Sand and took Neoprints ! So damn funny, we didnt realise that the time is running out ~ Left 6sec, was too late for us to design xD Totally like, ohmygod ! Laughs . Anyway, headed to beach and chit-chat session starts ! Well, talking bout the past ~ How many stupid things we did, should this and should that ! It's all too late man ~ Yea, bitching with this silly girl ! Mood was quite alright still ? Headed to Grandma house, ohmygod.. They asking me bout his father thingy, and my tears like couldnt control ? Well, around 8pm headed to the wakes with Mommy & Daddy . He look so unwell man, it's so heart breaking see-ing him like this ? Chat for awhile, hope he's better ! Just told him, he gotta be strong ~ Anyway, couldnt sleep for that night ! Called him and chatted with him till 7am ? At least he's not alone, if not he'll be thinking bout this and that ! Alright done, Im going to work :DD

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