Monday, October 20, 2008

Chemistry Olvl !

Good morning eveybody ! Hahaha, iim awake alrdy ~~
Ytd studied till 12am ? Then went to sleep, hahaha !
Dream about MRT incident -.- Me, Auggy & Simin trapped !
So we did manage to climb out, kinda dramatic laaa :x

Anyway, later will be havin Chemistry Olvl, damn it !
I still dont rmb alot of things :( Later last min revise :x
Hahaha, ii mus jiayoujiayou ! Made a pact with auggy,
if ii get 18 & below, he will give me a treat ! likewise,
if ii didnt, ii will haf to treat him laaa, hahaha, saddd :x
High chance of me treating him a meal, no confidence !

Blablabla ! Tmr having English Paper 1 & 2, damn it ~
Second paper is starting @ 5pm -.- Pray tat dont rain !
If rain, many people would prefer to sleep then exams :x
Yea ? Hahaha, off to study lerr ! Jiayou huixin, hahaha (:

XGBFF, dont worry . I'll tell you everything .
Dont think too much hao ma ? Love you !