Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hey, miss foo is back posting ! Alrights, im down with fever now ~ 38.1, suddenly has fever ! And today went for 1st lesson, then headed to see doc with Uncle . Headed to ahmah house & sleep ! Having bad headache, and i have a small plastic bag with all my used tissue, hahaha >.< And sleep till around 5 plus ? Headache getting worst and worst please ~ Ate dinner and waited for Mommy to come and fetch me home ! Alrights, this whole week I dont have to go school liaos ~ Cause MC for wed & thurs, then friday no lesson ^^ Anyway, I miss XGBFF so much ! Saw her update on her blog, I really appreciate it ^^ And, rmb our deal ahs ~ Macdonalds after i recovered ! Hahah, ♥XGBFF.TanHuiYu :D I gotta go off now ! Im having fever, yet I doesnt have a fever med ~ Cause I wasnt having fever when I visit the clinic :x Mommy is trying to help me find, hahah ! Okay, all people do take care alrights :DD More and more people are getting sick ! Ervin, Yvonne, Ben & Gerald please take care ahs :DD