Saturday, May 10, 2008


okok ! iim backbackback ;DDDD party was great (:
aroundd 4 plus, went to meet Xingan 1st, luffs*
help heiiheii take diisc then meet Aiai, go 201.
diidnt meet Boy, cos he overslept. Sorry Dear :Z
meet th rest andd meet Juan on bus, luffs* as usual,
madness iin bus :x haaas ! soso paiiseh, but we enjoy !
okok, reachh thr liiaos was lik, woohoos ! shuangshuang :x
angela was slpiing siiohhs ! so we wake her up, haaas ~
chiit-chats andd cam-whoriing startedd ! luffs*
then startedd to prepare for th bbq && some playiing mahjong ~
lols ! ohhmyys ~~ was doiin nth andd then startiing singsong ltr .
luffs* damn damn hiigh :x all was siingiing lik mad ! haaas.
andd then ate smth, luffs* niiceniice ! cam-whore agaiin :x
chatchatchat, talktalktalk ! till 12 plus, walk home frm simei ~
haaaas ! Boy, uu say out urself de hors :x cnt say miine !
luffs* home liiaos was aroundd 1am, ohhmyys ! tiireddtiiredd*
then went to bath, luffs* Boy was ohhsoo cute :x luffs*
okok, today wake up andd went to prepare liiaoos ~ lols !
goiing aiirport, sending cousin&grandma off to hongkong !
hurhur ~ ii wan go laaaas :x but too late liiaos, siighs*
aniiwae, ate lunch at thr, blablabla ! then went to meet juan.
ohhmyyss, telluu ! mamii iis totally mad uu noe !? fcuk :x
ii iintended to meet Juan @ tanahmerah cos ii at airport .
andd we are heading to bugis. then ii tell mamii ii go 1st.
she say: dont want lahh. 5th uncle fetch us back to tam,
then uu go tanahmerah meet juan lohs. ii was lik, wtf -.-
arghhs! damn iit :x iin the end ii saw juan @ tmart, heng :x
then mrt to bugis, bought tee-shirt :x luffs* iim broke !
okok, back home andd was watchiing douniuyaobuyao agains !
haaas ~ cos juan wanna watch, luffs* okok, then nth le .
andd dinneer @ home ! luffs* okok, tmrr goiing out ~~
arcade with Aiai & Dearest Boy ! haaas ~ gonna cam-whore :x
luffs pls ! Boy dont wanna take photo with mi :( but too bad xD