Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Welcome february (:

*dingdong* ! Sorry didnt updateeeee ~ Sunday I did nthg at home I guess ! Skipped sunday and start Monday . Monday reach school super early, 750am me & Junlong is in school already ! Headed to Stadium, waiting for the others to come ~ So both of us were chatting away, till the gym is open ! Headed in and continue chatting on the cycling thingy ~ Laughing away, nthg much I guess ? Went for break at around 930am till 1030am ~ Ate breakfast set, lalalalas ! Back class trying to do the PM project, but I guess it's abit impossible ~ Once again skipped PM & headed back home ! Did the project with Junlong help, thanks har ^^v And, around 7 plus XGBFF came find me ~ Waited for this Yazi to reach, and we ate Mcd for dinner ! Chatting away, and I feel so cheated :( And, I knew this (....) isnt a good person at all . Most important, I hate people lying to me ! And, he lied.. Too bad, sorry no more friend ! Okokok, chills ~ 1st lesson is canceled for today, means lesson start 12pm ! Dont knw why, I feel abit bored today . Seems like, my wish aint coming true already... Cos, it's getting further and further from me :( I hope it's me thinking too much, I hope what I was think aint true...

Updated (:

Meet Cindy & Angela, ate PepperLunch & I BURNT my wallet, sad :( Chit chatting at Sunplaza Park, chat till quite late I guess, hahahah ~ Smthg happen, and I guess do nthg will help ? Well, decided to stay overnight at her house ~ So went Cindy house first, then to my house ~ After that back to Angela house ! Suprise for her ^^v And, her workmates started bbq ~ She's like blurred but I guess she like the suprise too :D Chatting and singing songs, how great ! Love going her house, cos her house is like Heaven, has got everything :D We sing together, 3 person with one mic each ~ Isnt it cool, laugh ! Too lazy to bath, so headed to sleep and rest around 5am ? Was chatting, and as usual Angela fall asleep 1st ~ Nthg much, still gotta go lesson tmr :(