Friday, July 17, 2009

Ohmy ?

Went to ahmah house for dinner, damn shiok ! Hahaha :DD Ahmah cook sotong, damn nice ~ Yes, I went to ahmah house for that sotong :D Nice, and ahmah give me eat Jelly ! Was playing with my cousin, and taking photos ~ Nthg better to do . Headed home with Parents after that ~ Nowadays, people like to copy my word hars ? Haha ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee :DD

Something that I would like to share with you peoples :DDD

If a girl cries infront of you, it means that she couldn't take it anymore.
If you take her hand, she would stay with you for the rest of your life
If you let her go, she couldn't go back to being herself anymore.
A girl wont cry easily, except infront of the person who she love the most.
A girl wont cry easily, only when she loves you the most.
If a girl cries because of you, please hold her hands firmly.
When she cry right infront of you, when she cry because of you.

Look at Mr.Ervin ! So cuteeeeeeeeee right ? Hahahas >.< !