Saturday, February 23, 2008


wooohooooos ! iim back from my friiday ;D
friiday iis for mii to ENJOY ! haaaaaaas ~
enjoy alot lahhs ! morniinq went to x-crty ~
was duper fun ;D haf fun cheeriinq ndd playiinq !
cam-whoriinq was done too ;D ndd walk ardd bedok ~
then after dat , went to TM wiif madmad && anqela .
lols ! bouqht th piiano ;D iim soso addiicts mans !
haaaaas ~ went to YAMAHA ndd look aroundd !
iintendedd to buy books for piiano , but ii still begiinner :x
then jiiu went home chanqe , then meet madmad agaiins !
went moviie wiif yanq , leonard they all ~~ lols !
was super niice lahhs th show ~ haaas ! ii was so nosiiy :x
yanq siit besiide mii , sayiinq iim noiisy ! haaas ~
cos verii paiin mahhs ! th show keep show diigustiinq scene .
then uu bujiiu "ouchh ! so paiin siiahh ~" haaaas ! -.-
after dat went to meet sylviia , XL && huiihuii for prata :x
niiceniice , was bloatedd too ! ohhmyys ~ haaaaas ~~
MRT-edd to pasiir riis ndd meet charmaiine . lols !
diid wat we suppose to do ndd she went home -.-
walk to downtown ndd went to qizhii chalet , boriinq !
alot ppl ii dont noe de siiahh . lols ! ii only noe some ~~
diion , zhonqchou , jonathan , lionel , CK , hubert , weiwen .
aiyahhs , th rest iis evss derhhs ~ haaas ! was stoniiinq ~~
till 11 plus , bus-edd home wiif weiiwen , qizhi , shilin && junyu ..
ndd of cos hubert ! haaaas ~ lols . reachh home onliine awhiile .
then jiiu went to bed liiaoos ;D ! haaaas ~ super tiiredd lahhs !
ndd iim focus-iinq on my "piiano" lessoon onliine :x
learniinq step by step ~ ii only noe how to play LXY -.-
was super lonq de sonq liiaoos ~~ but also nvm ;D
slowly mahhs ! haaas ~ ok lahhs , off to learn !
later goiinq meet charmaiine 1st then to madmad hse !
photos will be posted alriites ;D ! byyyeesss ~~