Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hellos, Im back posting again ! Well, today is a boring day for me.. Super boring ! Didnt went out, not gonna meet Baby ~ So, rotting at home for the whole day ! Printed some photos, gonna get some things done (≧◡≦) Anyway, so it's something like so boring ! Im trying to make my post look long ~ By the way hars, I get to know my result today ! Morning 10am I woke up, trying to login to my ITE portal ~ Tried 5 times, & I exceeded the number of attemps ! Totally, (¬_¬) ! So I tried to text my CA, no reply ~ Called him twice, & he told me he cnt do anything to help ! I myself, gotta go back to school's CVC to get things done ~ My mood totally went, zZz ! Posted something on FB, & Stanley told me that I could get it done by giving school a call ! Called the school, & this thingy keep repeats "Thank you for calling ITE, all our customer service are still engaged . Please try again later, or press 1 to leave us a message ! You may also visit our website @ !"

Come on ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐!

Waited for damn long, give up ~ But called back again, finally I get it done ! So, login & I finally get to know my GPA, 3.233 ~ OMG, drop already (¬_¬) ! But just like Baby say, I shall work harder next term in order to get my A's ~ I wonder how did my fellow classmates scored ! Thinking bout what Baby told me ytd, Im still kinda... Maybe they are really like this, but I dont knw them well ? Anyway, tmr gonna meet Baby already ! Hahahahahaha (◑‿◐) Alright, Im off to get prepared ! Having dinner with family, & I miss korkor (≧ω≦)

PS : Seven Days *Thumbsup* !