Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hellos ! Today, Im much much better I swear ~ Sorry to make you guys worried ! Hmmm, work as usual ! Today sat beside Eve, not so tired uhs ~ Cause she sure will chat with me, haha . They say they wanted to help me celebrate my bdae, ohmygod ! It's gonna be cool uhs ? March 11, hahaha ~

Well, and chat with them about the Retaking Olvl . Im still troubled about this uhs ? Cause Im afraid that I cnt cope uhs . Hurhur ! Anyway, gonna think properly ba . And no lunch for me today ! Super oh so finally, I get to see Jean ! Hahaha, but only for half day . And poor me, eat Cup noodles for lunch ! But it's okay, cause I leave work at 2pm :x

Well, meet Simin & acc her to eat . Im quite full actually ~ And we headed to ITE college East, ohmygod ah ! Im not trying to boost or what, it's really nice and it look like Poly school ! Hahaha :x Maybe Im like a idiot, but I just think that it's not bad uhs ? Saw Adrian ! Ohmygod, super shock . Chat awhile, and help Eve ask about her Beauty course, sound interesting uhs ? 1yr3month only, zZz ! Anyway, walk around the school like idiot, cause 1st time uhs . And didnt dare to walk far, scare we get lost ! Hahah ~

Anyway, took the booklet and left thr ~ Bus back to Tampines Inter, then bus to East View thr . Meet GuanZhiJie, hahaha ! Well, he and Simin really can talk back to each other, zZz ~ It's none of my business, leaving the two of them to quarrel :x Hahah . Headed home around 5 plus I think ? Hahah, daddy paint my room, hohohos ! Look like a new room uhs :x But clothes here and thr ! Gonna pack on Sat ~

And Went to sleep, super tired . Till 8 plus, bath and eat dinner ! KFC, not so bad ! Unlike Bibi, Pizza Hut, action sia :x Hahah . Chatted with Eugene & his friend Kent . Seriously, they cheered me up ! Hahaha ~ They say they are guys, blablabla ! And some pictures, hahaha ! Byeeeeeeeeeee, tmr working :(

Kent said he tried his best to draw alrdy, hahaha ~