Thursday, April 29, 2010

What should I do when Im sick ?

Spend my monday quite terribly ! Anyway, school was kinda bored, skipped 1st lesson & meet baby for school together ~ Hahahahahah ! The moment I went out, my mp3 no battery (¬_¬) ! Lucky I got baby to text with me ~ Reach school, nothing much to do ~ As usual took photos in auditorium again (◑‿◐) Last minute decision, we decides to skip last lesson which is MrNoel's lesson ! So headed back home with baby, was watching G-force & Mr&MrsSmith ~ Not so bad show afterall, after that had dinner at home I think ? Omg, I forget already ~ Btw, baby includes "byebye" in his gdnight text, CUTE RIGHTS (♥‿♥)!

Tuesday, had lunch at Bedok interchange & I saw korkor with his friends too ~ Sucha coincidence hars ! Have the urge to buy a desktop since school is having PC fair, but somehow I guess I wont be able to get it ~ I guess la ! But I hope I can get it... Anyway, headed back home & baby come over too ! Nothing to do, so we decided to mask together with korkor (≧ω≦) We are not suppose to laugh, at all ! But couldnt help it lahs, seriously very funny :X After that, send baby to bus stop & end of my tuesday !

Wednesday, HAHAHAHAHA ! To me, it's a step nearer to weekends (≧◡≦) Anyway, headed school with baby, had MrNoel theory lesson ! Both of us was chatting bout the day we get together, & the scene all flashback ~ Seriously seriously I find it kinda funny & interesting ! Was revealing all the things we were thinking when we are not together yets ~ Baby you're so silly, test test leh ! Hahaha, but I still love you ♥ By the way around 12pm, Baby, Ervin, Yxiang & Izwan went to help out at the PC fair ! Almost most of us went over to kepo when we are having our breaks ~ Btw, I've been going around, asking what do they think about when they see the number 100 ! But most people told me, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (¬_¬) Slack till 4 plus, we went for PM lesson & they joined us ! After lesson, Yvonne, Ervin & baby plus me ! The 4 of us MRT-ed to Redhill, for their briefing bout their work thingy ~ Redhill, omfgs ! The place, where me & baby get together ~ I still can remember those scenes so clearly (≧o≦) !

Anyway, that's not the main point !

We had quite a hard time finding the place where they are suppose to meet up with the in-charge ~ Walk super super big rounds, walking up slopes & long way ! Finally, we get there ~ So both me & ervin was waiting for them ! Seating outside the office, chatting bout this and that ~ From 715 wait till 1015, 3 hours of waiting ! Both of us almost faints, kinda bored & I cant stop sneezing ~ Baby feel super guilty I think ! Took bus to nearest MRT station, change from Green line to Yellow line, change to Purple line again ~ Acc baby back home, while he changed & pack things ! His dad fetch us back to my house, thank you uncle :X Sleep around 4 plus I guess, & I didnt went school today ~ Baby went school only, I was feeling terrible ! According to baby, I look super blur & super sick this morning xD Okay, I've seen the doctor & I had 2 days MC including today ! So, Im off to eat med & rest now ~ Cos baby is coming, provided Im going to rest ! Byeeeeeeeeeee :D