Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Take care my dear !

Look who's back, hahaha :DD Im back posting again ! Well, school was great great ~  Laughing away with Ervin in school, most of the time >.< ! Means during lesson too :x Im eating more and more nowadays peopls ! Im not pregnant ahs >.< But, waste alot money siah ! 
And, today S&W I played Basketball ~ Hahaha, damn funny . Was standing at the BB court with Yvonne, damn damn stupid >.< ! It's something like, we see till the ball we run away :x 
Haha, but still get the chance to throw ~

People ! Do take care of yourself nowadays alrights ? 
Dont tired yourself too much, rest more ! Drink plenty of water ~
And, sleep well ! Haha, if not will be like me suffering now >.<
Sick is so sickening !

Okay, off to eat mashed potato ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee ^^