Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Backk postiingg ! Sorry for not updatiingg ytddd ~ Laughs*
Was busy studyiing these few days, so not gonna update that often uhs !
Hah, today Maths paper 1 ! Woo-hooos :x Lucky ii got revise siiohhs ~
Ytd night study graph, today came out graphh ! Hah ~ Heng ahhh :x

Blablabla ! Ytd night went to Xingan house for dinneer, KFC ! Hahah :x
Then do maths, blablabla ~ Siighs* Guys, dont hurt girls cans? Wtf -.-
They are crying lik bloody shit, and you guys are somewhr enjoying ?
Anyway, back home ytd around 9pm then continue studying maths, Hah !

Ohhmyy, thinking back iim alrdy 17 uhs ? Hmm, must really work hardd !
Didnt regret spending time making notes and revision on maths, Hahahah :x
I know how to do today's paper ! Hah, enough time ii sure revise all de :(

Alriight, gotta go off now ! Im hafiing English Olvl Oral later at 2pm, Hah ~
Wish me gd luck leyyy (: Laughs* Btw, ytd met Zhijie, long time no see ahh !