Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Heys, im currently in school now ! Laughs, wasnt paying attentions at all man ~ Awwhs, 8am lesson seriously boring and sleepy man ! Teacher keep teaching, but none of us was listening ~ Most of us, are in facebook online now ! Oh, by the way ~ I was late this morning, laugh . Purposely, cause didnt want to be in class so damn early with not much people around ! Till now, it's like only half of the class was presents ? Alright, MrRonney is saying about attachment thingy ~ Well, so next year this time I'll be having attachment I guess ? Hope Im not the unlucky 30s to stay back in school for stupid project while the others go for attachment ! Oh, I've got 2 hours of break later on ~ Whr should we go ? Laughs, so boring with so much breaks ! I still prefer the time table last term, althought it's packed at least we dont have to go school on Friday ~ Awwhs, the time is reaching 10am ! And we're all ready to go for breaks, cause his lesson is seriously super sleepy ~ Okay, im going off now ! B.byeee ~