Thursday, October 29, 2009


Missed me anyone ? Laughhh . School for ytd was, fineeee ? Nthg much I guess ...
Went for both lesson ytd, how greatt ! & I saw XGBFF almost everydayyy :D
How great it is huhh ! And, PM1 project is getting on hand now, I hope so ?
Moods affected by some thingy, which I think it's my wrong ? I dont knw mann !
Well, I think just gonna leave things like this ? I cnt do anything to help...
Blabla ! Tmr is friday, I wont be going school . Reason is, Im too lazy to !
Ytd night I had alot of dreams ! Some were great, but totally impossible I guess .
And some were, irritating ~ Anyway, I cnt stand people who dont respect, dont you ?
Some will know who Im saying ! But well, I cnt do anything to stop, how saddd ~