Sunday, July 27, 2008

backkkkkkkkk ! today iis not a bad day, iis also not a good day xP Laughs*
Nth much to say anyway, ytd didnt went for joggiing, cause tiimiing not riight !
Maybe other days then ? Today also not joggiin alrdy, cause xingan haf family dinner ~

Wake up around 10am, watching Prince Turns To A Frog ! Together wiith Baby&Bro ~
Then ate leftover from ytd dinner, as today's breakfast ! Plus some egg ii prepared ~
Back to room, sleep ! Hah ~ Together wiith Baby, then mami come home =.= Opps !
Laughs* Blablabla, Baby receiived call from GuanLeong, now he's out for lunch alrdy ~

Left me home alone, zhong also not at home ! Btw, ii didnt forget tio msg Baby laaaaa ~
He fall asleep while iim usiing computer ~ & ii tot ii didnt msg him, when he's at fault !
Laughs* told him and he's kiinda laughiing at me ! Hah ~ Anyway, it's over laaa !

Nth to post actually ! Laughs* off to bath alrdy ~ Then hmwk ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee (: