Saturday, July 11, 2009

Outing !

大家好 ! Im back posting again :DD Hahas, schools for the past few days was alrights ! Pon RCT on thursday afternoon, and went to see the guys playing Basketball with Didi ~ And im sitting thr, like a stone >< Hahas ! Ytd went out with Jim, Ger, Ervin, Yvonne & Ben ~ Headed to Suntec for Pizza hut ! Hahas, was quite fun anyway :D Chatting and laughing away with them ~ Seems like a gathering uhs ? Headed home around 10 plus . And sleep around 2am, damn tired please ~~

Morning wake up around 10am ? Haha, went to takeaway food ~ I ate Mac breakfast, damn shiok pleasee ~ But my cough is getting worst only lohs >.< ! Prepared myself and meet Berlin on cab together with korkor ~ Acc her to get her things done, and she bought Samsung Jet ! Ohyah, my phone was spoilt halfway ~ Didnt even realise till Jimson called me ! He said he msg me quite a number of msg, but I didnt receive one of it ~ Ice-cream sucks :x Tahan for the whole day, w/out any msg ! So terrible mans ~ So called Gerald and Jimson to chat awhile, now and then >.< ! 6plus headed home :DD

Back home was thinking whether to sell away my Ice-cream phone ? It's kinda useless to keep it I think :x And, korkor is sick of F480 ! So I could take the phone back ~ Yes, I did ! And guess what I did ? I sell my Ice-cream phone for $60 at tmart ~ Am I mad, I guess so >.< ! So cheap ~ It's $240 difference from the price I bought it ! Well, as Mommy said this is LG phone ~ And, i regret to buy actually ? But nvm, I've sold it already ~ Now using the F480, not bad ! Better than nthg yeahs :DD Im tired, byeeeeeeeee !