Friday, May 15, 2009

Stomach Aches :(


Good the morning everyone :DD Hahahas ! Im awake now cause my stomach is not getting any better lahs ~ It makes me cnt sleep well ! Hmmmm... Okay, for the last few days had celebrated Xiuyi's birthday, Mother's day, Daddy's Birthday ! Alot of photos taken, but Im lazy to upload lehs ? Maybe when I have mood :x Hahaha ~ Okay lahs, ytd lunch went to Cafe 2 ~ Im the last to finish again >.< ! Haha, then went back to class for LLA . Okays, this week LLA is kinda alright uhs ? Keep laughing with JY :x Cause of YongSiang lahs ! Keep repeating the same thingy ~~

Okays, ytd RCT pon half way :x Put my bag together with Jim they all in the locker ~ And trying to enjoy in the class, till attandance is taken ! Byebye to all :x Hahaha, meet FTBG & headed to Tampines Interchange ~ Waiting for PTBF, and he's super super late lahs ! Headed to Sakae for dinner, and 3 of us ate till $64 plus ~~

Anyway, meet May & acc her go buy things . Then walk around T1, while the guys went to Arcade.. Blablabla, acc May wait for Bus ~ After that the both of them send me home ! Damn, reached home and daddy scolded me -.- Like damn siahs ~ Say "Do You Know that Mommy is sick !?" I was lik, how would I knw ? And he angry for ? Totally walk into my room, and hack ~ And headed to sleep after bath !

Well, im not going out today ? I suppose lahs . And tmr MAYBE group study @ Des house ~ I'll see how bahs, kinda moodless to study >.< ! And no money to go out liaos, seriously broke ! So, maybe will be studying at home only ~~ I seriously need to work siahs ! Im broke & seriously family is not gonna help me with the money thingy . Cause mommy is also kinda broke lahs ?

You really dont understand ? Then it's my fault..