Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine ^^


*dingdong* !

Since I woke up early, so I post blog ^^

Didnt post these photo cos somebody say 'suprise' !

Anyway, my hair look really red har ~

Jus hope that when I get back to school,

teacher will ignore my hair !

Which is abit impossible ~

Okayokay, yesterday had early dinner !

Not so bad, steamboat ^^

And, after dinner went out with Junlong & Jacky ~

Wanted to watch the 9pm movie, but we missed the timing !

So, bought the 12am ticket, watching Little Big Soldier ~

So we got like 3 hours to spend !

Chatting & walking around tampines ~

Then, went in cinema...

I almost fall asleep, not bcos of the movie !

Is bcos Im too tired... And, the cinema is so cold ~

All the way till 1am ?

And, acc Jacky go find his friend ~

Nthg much, waited for Junlong's dad to come and he send me home !

Abit paiseh, but jiu okay lor :x Back home, 2am !

Super tired, went to sleep after Junlong reached home ~

Alright, tonight gonna go movie again :D !

Hope it's a good one, hahaha ~

Okay, now Im gonna go prepare already !

Im wearing dress, hahaha :x

And ohya, Happy Valentine Day !


*dingdong* ! Back to update bout the first day of CNY :D

Well, prepared ourself & as usual we bai nian to our parents 1st ~

So, turn by turn ! And then, headed to Temple ~

Okay, my heels is making me so difficult to walk !

Walkng so slowly, like a penguin ~

Anyway, went to Grandma house blablabla !

After that went 1st aunt house,

was playing blackjack & I lost $2 ~

Nthg much, headed to 2nd aunt house after that !

Continue playing, till6pm went to find XGBFF ~

Meet Junlong, Ervin, Jacky & Yvonne at Dobby Ghaut !

My shoe is seriously a problem man,

with so many plaster it still doesnt help ~

Okay, ate Billy Bombers !

Kinda cool, they only had meals for 2 ~

So, me & Junlong shared this set meal !

Not so bad, quite nice la actually ^^

After that, went for our movieeee !

We watch, "I hate Valentine" ~

Not so bad, and the movie is quite short actually ?

After that, went TCC to chill out ~

Joking & laughin away !

But still, my shoe is giving me big problem ~

Im walking barefoot in the shopping mall !

But well, took bus 65 back to Tamp with Jacky & XGBFF ~

Cab back home from Tamp inter with XGBFF !

Super tired, and my leg bleed :(

Have difficulties bathing & it's terribly pain..

Somehow, I spoil somebody mood, including mine !

I hope it's misunderstanding,

cos Im feeling terribly sad...