Monday, March 24, 2008


I just can't believe your gone,
still waiting for morning to come,
wanna see if the sun wil rise,
even without you by my side.

When we had so much in store,
tell me what is it i'm reaching for.
When we're through building memories,
i'll hold yesterday in my heart, in my heart.

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made,
they can take the music that we'll never play.
All the broken dreams, take everything,
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday.
They can take the future that we'll never know,
they can take the places that we said we would go.
All the broken dreams, take everything,
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday.

You always used to say,
i should be thankful for everyday.
Heaven knows what the future holds,
or at least how the story goes.
(but i never believed them 'til now.)

I know i'll see you again i'm sure.
No it's not selfish to ask for more.
One more night, one more day,
one more smile on you face,
but they can't take yesterday.

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made,
they can take the music that we'll never play.
All the broken dreams, take everything,
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday.
They can take the future that we'll never know,
they can take the places that we said we would go.
All the broken dreams, take everything,
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday.

I thought our days would last forever. (but it wasn't our destiny)
Cause in my mind, we had so much time.
But i was so wrong. Now i can, believe that,
i can still find the strength in the moments we made.
I'm looking back on yesterday.

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made,
they can take the music that we'll never play.
All the broken dreams, take everything,
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday.
They can take the future that we'll never know,
they can take the places that we said we would go.
All the broken dreams, take everything,
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday.

Ooooh... (All the broken dreams take everything)
But they can never have yesterday.

I`m ohh-so iin love wiith tiis sonq =DD


went to beach wiif Juan =DD was super super fun ! haaaas ~
both of us went crazy luhhs -.- went over to th last rock , 14 !
hohohos ~ photo takiinq tiime ! haaas . then rent biike ~ lols .
Rent 1 hour , another hour free ~ ohhmyyys ! from 4 to 6pm .
then cycle here thr aniiwhr ! haaas ~ took manii photos !
was damn thirsty , so went to buy driinks , iits dayliight robbery !
haaaaas ~ bought some sweeets whiich cost $2 !? robbery ~ haas .
bus back to pasiir riis at aroundd 7 plus . ohhmyys ahhs ~
miiss th bus cos of a cat -.- haiiyohhs , damn funny de lahhs !
then waiitedd for another bus ~ haaas ! MRT back to tampiines .
hadd pasta maniia for diinner . niiceniice , damn bloatedd !
then back to my house , lols ! pack thiinqs andd went to juan house .
stayed overniight thr ! haaas ~ ohhmyys , was liik havoc lahhs !
luff liik mad , chat liik siiao ! haaaas ~ went to bed aorundd 2am -.-

woke up around 10am ! haaas ~ still abiit tiiredd nahhs .
lols ~ waiited for them to prepare then back to my house !
preparedd smth for boy :) for one month anniiversary dehhs .
then went to popular , ohhmyys , we three are really mad !
3 of us was like havoc lahhs ! everythiinq that we touch , will be iin a mess ~
quiickly leave th place before we are beiing caught :x haaas !
bought stuffs andd went to 日本村 aroundd 4 plus .
lols ! damn funny , tiink abt th past andd luffiinq over those thiinqs .
then jiiu bus to temple -.- eat agaiins ! haaaas ~
chiitchat andd went home around 8pm plus , cos was boredd :X
then back to my house , stayiinq overniight agaiins ! hohohos ~
jus when we are leaviinq , ii couldnt fiind my key ! ohhmyys .
then searchh up andd down -.- iin th end iin my bag _l_ !
haaaas ~ diid smth =DD lols ! went to slp aroundd 4am -.- siickk !

woke up aroundd 10am , damn xiinku siiohhs ! haiis -.-
then went back to slp agaiins , till aroundd 12pm !
then waiitedd for them to prepare , went to see doc !
cos iim really siick :x haaas ! then back to my house ~
was super boredd , cos ii cant eat anythiing ! hurhur .
diidnt meet boy for 3 days :( andd tmrr iim hafiinq MC !
worst , wouldnt get to see hiim agaiins ! lols ~ siiann lahhs .
nvm nvm =DD one more day niiahhs , hor boy ? Luffs*
aniiwae , ii haven eat mediiciine :x haaas ! eat later =DD
they are goiinq home soon , jiieet lahhr ! tmrr no schh :)