Saturday, July 19, 2008

friiday niight was duper great ! Had a supriise party for adriian (:
nt really supriise, cause he knew it alrdy ~ but nvm, it's th tot tat counts !
home around 12am, drank Volka with F&N cherry ! 2 cup & iim kinda dead :x
Home together with Baby ! Laughs* kinda fainting, but ii didnt uhs ! Hah ~

Knock out, immediiately pls ! Laughs* sat morniing woke up at 8am =.=
super tiired & heavy eyebag ii haf ! preparedd & wake Baby up, still slpiing ~
Meet Aiai & Co. at Tmart, then bused to TampinesInter, MRT to Sentosa !

12pm, Bright sun, hot weather ! Laughs* The sand were even hot, not warm ~
Changed clothes then started takiing photos ~ Laughs* Took with Baby&Aiai !
Then winnie came, started playiing volleyball iin th water, ii didnt uhs, Laughs*
But in the end, still play iin th water ! Hah, went to bath at around 3pm ii think?

Suppose to stroll around Sentosa, but it's raining ! So took monorail back to Vivo ~
Super tiired ~ Hah ! In the end, MRT back to Tampines, cause no whr to go !
Last min decided to go to E-hub ! Hah, bought sushi thr and left to temple ~~
Together with Baby, while th rest were still at E-hub, hafiing their dinner thr ~

At temple was kinda bored ? But got Baby's company, dat's enough ! Laughs*
Hwee, Fen, ZongGen & Huiisa came after dat ~ Took photo with MengHui !
Gonna post tmr ii think ? Laughs* then 9pm, peii Baby home, he changed clothes .
Was lookiing at Baby's childhood piictures ! He is SUPER-ACTIVE as a child pls !
no wonder he seems to be in a crazy mood everywhere he goes now, Opps :x

Back home was lik, super tiiredd pls ! Laughs* suppose to knock out, but cnt la !
Baby was disturbiing me, and now ii couldnt even get to slp alrdy ! Jiiieeet ahh ~
Gonna try to slp, cause ii dont wan my eyebag to be heaviier ! Hah, byeeeeeee (: