Monday, August 04, 2008

Sorrrryy for not postiingg ytd :x No tiime to postt ah ! Hah ~ Cause sleepiing :x
Ytd wake up aroundd 9am, watchh WZBQW till 12 plus ~ wait for JFYF to wake up !
Then went to 201 for lunchh ! Laughs* Ate KueyChap (: Then jiu went home le ~
Saw Xingan at 201, ohhmyys ! Her mother iis lik kinda biias cans !? Siighs**
Xiingan cheeer up pls ! Laughs* Dont worry, iim here for you kayys ? Hah, smile (:

Then back home, watchh Baby play game, super super tiiredd ~ Almost fall asleep pls !
Hurhur ~ Then Daddy call me, today's dinner will be cooked by mee & zhongg ! Hah ~~
Went down to Shop&Save and start shoppiing :x Bought Vege & Ham, Laughs* Lalalala ~
And then started cookiing alrdy ! Hah, cook Ham 1st then cook Vege ~ & SteamEgg !
Over-rall was kiinda great ba, soup of cause Cambell Soup, Laughs* Super full pls, hah ~

Was super cold suddenly ! Dont noe why, iim hafiing fever, 38 degree ~~ Ohhmyys !
Super weak :x Lie down awhile, then watch Initial D till 11pm ~ Then Baby peii mee (:
After that he bike home ~ Laughs* Today, didnt attend sch ! Morniing was still abit fever..
So now usiing Computer ! Later meetiing mamii 12pm at Old hse thr e Clinic, see doc doc !
Got to go to prepareee now ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ I miss Baby super muchh pls, ii swear (: