Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fiinally get to post, Laughs* Blogger iis gettiing worst :x
First unable to post pics, now unable to post Everythiings !
Isn't iit gettiing worst ? Alriight, back to my post for today ;D

Wake up by Mom call, ohhmyys ! Im super tiiredd mamii ~~
Couldnt get to slp after dat, forget abt iit then, siighhhss**
Then Mom came back, for lunch ii think? For us too :p
Supposely she cooks for herself, iin the end, for us too !
LaughOutLoud ! Ate magee mee -.- alriight, it's still nice :DD

Later goiing Aiai house, helping her for her Art, Laughs*
I've drop Art yea O.o But seriiously, ii still miiss Art cans !

Laughhs** Baby jus coll me, Super miiss Baby lahhhsss ~~
Siighs* But gonna bear wiith it, Baby also alriights? Love !
Done wiith postiing, byeeee ! Tmr, send HT off, :*(((((

PS : 原来, 我不相信永远 ...

{ Updated on 11.02pm }
Currently at Aiai's house ! Laughhs** Art was done after slackiing ~
Super lazy pls :p then dinner, chit-chats ! & Zhong iis here too -.-
Ohhhmyys ~ Super guaiilan :x Dat's hiim ! They are playiing mahjong,
left me&Aiai ~ Doing nth, later tv, then edit blog, nth else !

Tmr gonna meet SF, then lunch, then Airport !
Sendiing HT off, jiieet ! I'll miiss her alotalot pls ~~

After Airport, gonna go Newton, then Aiai house again !
Btw. iim stayiing at Aiai house, nth liiaoos, byeeee :DD

&& I miiss Baby 512946649723 pls ! 2 days alrdy ~~
Lik 2yrs pls ! ohhmyys, but it's okkayy bahhs ?
Gotta go, byeee ! Tag me pls ~~ Laughhs*