Saturday, January 23, 2010

* 倒霉+倒霉 ! *

Im back to update ! I've got a job, but I've quitted ~ It's not what I expect, and I dont feel like talking bout it . Okay, thursday headed to school with Junlong as usual ! Think I kinda spoil mood, cause I didnt talk much ~ And reach class, nthg much I guess . Vex bout the work thingy, all I could say is IDK, will you feel pissed if I keep repeating over and over again ? Sigh, whatever it is ~ Lesson for WAD is making my day worst ! Doing the same lab again and again, having the same errror again and again ~ This week really aint my week har ! And, I dont knw what "HE" wants, zZz ~ Maybe he's trying to help, but I just dont feel right with him around me ! Headed out with Yvonne and Ervin after lesson, I skipped work . Walking around, looking at clothes too ! All the way till 8pm, Junlong came and continue to walk around ~ 9pm, headed back home . Gotta thanks Junlong for sending me home, and that's how I end my thursday ! Friday, school was also quite moody for me ~ Still vexing bout the job thingy, am I thinking too much ? Hmmm, after lesson headed to Bugis with Yvonne & Ervin again ! Walking around, meet Jacky for awhile too ~ But headed back home around 4pm ? Back home, rest awhile and went out for dinner with family ~ Daddy's treat, together with his friend too ! Ate crabs, and nthg much I guess . Back home, and I fall asleep AGAIN w/out replying message ! Im too tired I guess ~ Alright, done with updating I guess ? Gotta go Bugis with XGBFF ! Might be meeting Junlong and Jacky too ? Sigh, Mommy said she'll give me $100 for CNY clothings, I ask for $50 more . But, she only gave me $50 ! Tell me, with $50 what can I buy for CNY :(