Sunday, February 10, 2008


iim back from outiinq today ~~ lols !
ohhmyys . today iim damndamn moodless , haiis .
dont noe why ! went to coffee shop andd meet Juan , then go her hse ..
waiitedd for her andd watchh 2.20pm de moviiee ~
toqether wiif Juan , diino , biina , ahhviin , sam && yanqyanq ;D
was same , funny andd niice ~ then jiiu went to meet glovor ..
lols ! bus-edd to safra , but no more vacancy for games !
so . bus-edd to katonq andd play pool iinsteadd . lols ~
was watchiinq whiile th others are playiinq , so boredd !
aroundd 8 plus went to eat HK stuff , but ii diidnt eat ..
lols ! whole day ii eat nth lahhr , cos dont feel liik :x
they are cam-whoriinq ardd andd iim liik , so boredd ~
cos dont feel liik takiinq photos mahhr , lols !
then diino came andd we took photos , but nt niice !
take alot , delete alot too ! err , iis delete all :x
cos nt niice , haiis ~ nvm lahhr , can take other days .
sorry ahh diino ! lols ~ then jiiu bus-edd back to 201 ..
usedd toiilet andd walk back to Juan hse liiaoos ~~ lols !
th guys were playiinq cardds andd iim stoniinq , agaiins .
lols ! then ardd 12 plus jiiu went home liiaoos ~ siiannns ..
tmrr goiinq temple -.- siiann lahhr ! lols ~~
after dat maybe goiinq keviin hse ii tiinkk ? lols ..
see how bahhr ? cos iim duperduper siiann liiaoos ~~