Friday, October 09, 2009

Nthg is good, w/out you .

Hellos, im back ! Laughs, thursday meet up with Charmaine, Madeline & Cheehao ~ Went to CDC, while they took their final theory I think ? Was chatting with Cheehao, bout schooling thingy . Laughs, quite fast they were done ! Anyway, took bus back to Tampines interchange and meet up with Angela ! Was walking around Tampines, bla bla bla ~ Chatting all the way ! Around 5plus, I left them and went to Grandma house for dinner ~ Nthg much ba ? Was taking photos with cousins, she has got lots and lots of pattern I can say ~ And, was waiting for Mommy & Daddy to come.. So long ! Anyway, after that headed home ~ Last minute decision, overnight at angela house ! And yeaps, meet Charmaine & Angela at bus 12, then all the way till angela house ! Well, was chatting & chatting ~ Laughs, other than chatting, still chatting ! Too much to chat about, I guess so ? Cause it's seriously very long we last meet ! And, chatted till around 3am ? But angela doze off, so left me & Charmaine ~ Thanks girl, for listening to my nonsense & repeated stuff ! Laughs, feel much better of cause ~ Rather than not saying out, it's really really better ~ Well, angela went for school early in the morning and leaving the 2 of us sleeping ! Laughs, we did sleep till so so late ~ Around 3pm ? Not me, is charmaine :x Well, couldnt really sleep well in other people house . Dont knw why, bad habit of mine ! Laughs, it's the same when Im at ... house ~ Anyway, ate smthg and then left her house ! Took bus 12 till whitesand, searching for XGBFF present ~ We are really really unlucky I can say ? All 3 shops that we wanted to visit, are doing renovation -.- Totally, not our day ! Well, visited Guardian too ~ Totally, a strange place for me already ! I know nobody there man . And, my name is no longer in the list of workers ! So, how possible my name would appear in the schedule man -.- Well, im silently fired ! How sad man, laughs . Expected ! Well, took bus 21 back home ! And, nthg much I guess ? Oh, Charmaine was suppose to come my house overnight today ! But smthg cropped up, so only angela came ~ And she's playing so crazily with Bros ! Ohya ! Korkor just now treated me & Didi dinner, how great he is ~ Laughs, big thanks ! Im seriously full :DD And, tmr Im going to Gym ~ Laughs, time to go on diet girl ! 2 more days & there goes my holiday ~ This holiday was quite a good one ? I played hard, and earn some money too :D Well, im so so tired ! I couldnt get to sleep ~ Why is it like this, when my stomach gets better my sleeping time become a problem ! Laughs, I dont knw what's wrong ! I only know, blogger sucks ~ Keep having problem ! How lousy it is.... Anyway, post till here, byeeeeeeeee !