Saturday, September 20, 2008

Reply to taggs !

Evon :
Hey girl, dont think ii knw who are them ba ? Dont scold vulgarity kayys . It's not me who ask ppl to come alright ? You contact him, nvr contact him, patch with him or watever, it's none of my business laaa . Think ii will really go care or wat ? Yups, ii msg you and told you about me&his story . So ?

Charmaiine :
Mamamamamaaaaaaaa ! It's okayy . Im finee mama (: Dont worry, not gonna care much baaa ? Anyway, it's kinda none of my business laaa . So, yupp . Im okayy :D Thanks anyway ! Loveee ~

Peiijuan&Angela :
Linkedddddddd :D

Time will prove everything..

Back to post noww ! Haha, sorry for not postiing ytd, cause tiiredd ~
Well, Thurday played block catching ! Hahah, iim kinda weak ahh ?
Supposely ii can continue th game, but ii run up & down, very tiiredd ~
So charmaiine take-over meeee ! And took cab with Auggy home at 12 plus .

Hahahahaha ! ytd went to east point, supposely is to take back my phone.
Butbutbut ~~ They couldnt find my phoneee, hais hais hais !
And they gave me back another lousy phone which is cnt repair deee !
They say will call me when my phonee iis found -.- Wthhhelllss laaa ~
If cnt find, jiu replacee a new phone for meeee ! Hahahahaha :DDDD

Back home around 7pm, all the way till ii sleep, hahaha ! Doing maths,
andd watch teveeee ! Till 11pm, knock out, too tiiredd alrdy, haha .
Till morniing, wake up thriicee ! 7am, 8 am, 10am, hahah, tiiredd leyy .

Later goiing celebrate Junkiiat biirthdayyyyyy ! Hahahah, great mann ~
Today iis resting day for meee, no studyiingg ~ Going 日本村 for lunchh !
Then to either pool/bowlinggg ! Hahahah ~ Off to do abit revision le, byeeeee !

Huiwen & Huiwen2 :
Thanks for feeling so bufu for me. But it's alright ii think ? I dont mind baa . Even if they get together, it's fine. Cause it's my choice. It doesnt matter who match Jiahan most now, it's useless laas . So, ya ! It's okay girls (: Thanks kayys !

Carmen :
Jiiiamiinnnn ! Darlinngg ~ Hahah, linkedd alrdy ! Meet up after my exams alright :DDD !

Passer-by :
Blahhhhsss ! Im not ! Haha :x

Hansiang&Weiyu :
Linkeeedddd ! Thanks for relinking meee :D

Happy Birthday to Junkiat & HuanChoonn :DD