Wednesday, February 20, 2008


back back back ~ lols ! tryiinq to cheerr up ;D
ytdd went to augustiine hse ! chatchat , toktok , playplay ~~
ardd 7 plus went to eat diinneer .. then jiiu went home !
lols ~ took piictures ndd iit`s really funny lahhs ! lols .
went to tampiines CC rooftop , was damndamn cooliinq ~
ndd chiit-chat thr , haiis ! ii understandd lerrhhs , my fault .
aniiwae , cabbedd home cos ii quiite late liiaoos ~~
then went home , chat wiif nelsonkor on th phone , haiis .
went to slp ardd 11 plus , damn damn tiiredd lahhs !
today lesson was boriinq , ndd verii verii loner ~~
cos verii siiiann nahhs ! lols ~ suppose to go ss EC dehhs .
diidnt go cos iim boredd ndd siiann lahhs ! so , nvr go ;D
then jiiu went home lohhs , then now iim stoniinq at home ~
tmrr hafiinq normal lesson , as usual ! lols ~~ soso siianns .
how ii wiishh nxxt months iis olvl ! so can faster endd ;D
arbo now study liik hell , then iin th endd all forqet -.-
aniiwae , schh iis lik sucks sucks sucks cans !? haiis ..
ohhs ! today iis SHG 1st month , lols ~ tiink iit`s gonna seperate ..

iim jus gonna hack iit ;D