Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A bigbig *SIGHS* ~

Im back postiingg ! Rate my mood out of 10, is negative 10 ~~
Hmms, which means my mood is pretty bad bad bad !
Laughs* Mood is up and down, blablabla ! Whatever it is ~

Didnt went to school today, kinda tiiredd ! As ii slp around 2am ?
And went back to school for class photo ~ Hmm, no comment !
501 still rocks, as iim see-iing ? Laughs* Hope will last ahh ?

Mac studying again, everyday ! & Mom is MC for 2 days, good !
Cause ii got free lunch/dinner from her ! Hohohos :x Lalalala ~

I really got nothing to post ah ~~ Cnt say much also, haha ?
I loveeee Baby, and ii wonder how long we can last, laughs*

Off alrdy ! Today studying physics, jiajiajiayouyouyou ! 36 days :(

I got to move on, and be who I am.