Saturday, May 15, 2010

CIP ? Bullshit !

Woke up atound 645am ! OMG, super super super tired I must say ~ Headed out, all the way till Compass Point ! Meet up with the guys, and went to collect the bag for donation ~ How cute, it comes with a bag of hand fold cranes ! Straight away went over to Mcdonald for breakfast, *giggles* ! But anyway, no idea where to go after that ~ Last minute decision, went over to JianHua's house ! Slack all the way till times up, & bus back home ~ Back home, get straight to sleep ! Woke up around 5pm ? Prepared myself, & took bus 81 with didi all the way till Serangoon, *faints* ! Reached there and had a gathering dinner with family, kinda great but no pictures taken xD Sally sent us home after that, & baby came over, *jumps* ! This silly guy, ate instant noodles over at my house ! And, we were as usual watching Cruel Temptation ~ Counting down to our anniversary, & we're drinking red wine that Baby brought over ! And, I finally give him the cookies I've made for him ~ He's kinda shock & he finish it all :D Sleep around morning 6am I think, *tired* !