Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nvm, I can take it alone..

Hey, look who's back ^^ Hahas ! Yeah, im back ~ Well, no more tagboard for the time being . Sorry ah, I think the skin look nice this way >.< ! Anyway, it's jus for the time being lahs ? Hahas ~ Okay, ytd went 'studying' with Jimson, Gerald & Didi ! Wasnt doing that, but they were talking about games, PSP blablabla ~ And ate dinner @ 201 ! After that went to Playground slack ~ How boring, spend the whole day doing nothing ! Anyway, chalet next week ~ Woohoos :D Alright, gonna go off to buy things for chalet !


PS : 那从今以后我一个人过就很好


Hmmm ?

PS : 在朋友里面就数你最特别,总让我觉得很亲很贴..
