Saturday, November 01, 2008


Hellos November :DD ! Hahah, it's a beginning of everyone holidays, yea ? Today went out with Simin ! Suppose to help her with buying clothes . But in the end, we bought nothings ! MRT to bugis, then back to Tampines ~ Lalalala, nothing better to do laaaa -.-

Anyway, meet Auggy @ CenturySquare ! Then went for baked rice :DD As usual, I cnt finish the food :x Hahah ! Well, then headed back home . Help out with making wanton, anyhow laaa ~ Having steamboat for dinner :D But Im kinda bloated le :x But no choice, still gotta eat some ~

Blablabla, Im seriously growing fat ! Anyway, take a nap after that ! All the way till 11pm ~ Then wake up :x Prepare myself, sneak out of house to meet Simin & Auggy ! Hahah, ohhmyy ~ We are getting worst I swear ! Is lik, if we didnt meet for a day, diee :x Took photos, slack & craps ! Police came :x & Auggy's cigg dwn th drain ! Heng didnt wet ! Hahaha, all the way till 2am then I went home :DDD

It's impossible, alright ?
She loves you more, understand ?