Saturday, June 21, 2008

Alrights ! Get up people, iim postiing now !
Gonna cheer up yea?Hopefully uhs, lols ~
Ytd night dinner was alright uhs, pancake pancake !

Sighs* Trying to act as if nth happen infront of Mom, luckily ~
Bros blames me, everyone, everything.But ii kept quiiet..
Home alone, cause they wanna slack and chat. Nth to say ~~
Blogging makes me feel better, actually. But now, not any more.

Bread for th whole day till night, wtf -.- no food except bread !
Dinner, quiite boring. Then Sudoku, TV. nth much, really ~
Bored life, 2 more days ! Sch reopen pls, sighs* Sch is fun !
Change skins, && url too. Relink pls people, thks thks !
Tmr haircut, and nth much ii guess? Hmwk nt done, _|_ ~

Me and him, ended alrdy. Sorry to friends, dissapointed..
Sorry to everyone, who give us blessing, duibuqi ppl :(
It's my fault, ii gave up on this relationship, sorry...

I dont deserve his love at all, maybe in th first place,
we shouldnt be together at all.. Jus get on with life,
and you will forget me somedays, sorry...
Really sorry. :*((((
