Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Im loving it :D

Sorry for not updating uhs ! Haha, 2days of lesson were alright ? Bonding between PM0904J are getting better ? Haha, not bad :x

Today had 2 hours break ! Actually going EastPoint for lunch, as 3/4 of the class ! But we changed our mind, so went to Tampines Mall with Jimson & Co. ! Ate mac ~ Anyway, back to school was late . But who cares ? Haha ! Had Sports&Wellness, ran 2 rounds of the laps and freedom after that ~ Basketball with Jiayi & Jon, then alone :x Haha ! Headed to Pool Room to meet Ger they all ~ Acc them to Tampines Stadium, they swim we see ! Me & May was stoning and chatting ~ Totally, wtf -.- ! Haha, gossips and nonsense :x Anyway, dinner @ RiBenChun ! Laughs* Okays, headed home then ! Tired ~ Knock out after bathing, haha !

Im early today in the moring :x Im the 1st to reach, so the guys are late ! Hahah ~ Anyway, purposely late for 15mins ? Well, did Pratical work . Making Straight & Cross cable ! Blablabla, Our group are getting bigger and bigger uhs ! 10 ppl went for lunch together ~ Haha, 9 guys 1 girl :x Anyway, went for LLA lesson . Super slack and we are like chatting away ~ Nobody's listening ! Playing games and chit-chatting ~ Lalala, lesson ended early ! Slack around . Jimson, Ys & Gen headed home ! While the rest of us, went to Pool Room :x Haha, late for lesson ! Purposely again :x And was seriously doing NOTHING in class ! 5pm release ~ Laughs*
Meet JeanLeeWanFen ! Ohmy, since 12345years I nvr seen her le :x Hah, chat and gossip ! Then meet May & Ger . Headed to Tanah Merah MRT station and meet SL & Leonard in Train ! On our way to CityHall ! Haha, meet Adrian and went to Marina for dinner ~ Joke joke ! I lost my way thru the toilet :x It's a long path way, with lots of exits and door ! Haha, I seriously lost my way ! Anyway, followed ppl out then I found my ways :x Haha . Walk to S'pore Flyers ! Ohmy, super excited :x Haha, took many photos in the flyers :D Uploaded a few ~ And bought the Wallet Size photos, $25 ! Broke, zZz....... But for memories, worth ba ? Haha ! Okay, back home was super tired alrdy...

It's a friday, means I got no schooling ! Haha, super shiok please ~ Hmmm... Supposely there's a telematch in school, but I didnt go ! Come on, nobody goes :x Even the Class rap didnt go, I go for ? Haha, action sia ~ Anyway, it's friday ! So Im gonna enjoy myself la ~ Gonna meet May & Xy, then go Bugis ! After that gonna meet Classmates @ Cine for Movie, hahah ! 1 st outing, I wonder how it's like ? And after movie meeting May they all again ~ Haha, it's my fav day Friday :DD ! Off to prepare, and smthg to show you guys !


Tada ! My Primary 5 Class Photos :x